Learning from The Jealous Ladybug
“Kara got to get a new dress and it's the one I wanted. It's not fair.”
While competition may bring out strong efforts in sports to do one's best,
comparisons and competition in everyday life can bring misery to children...
and adults who have not curbed the appetite for investing in jealousy.
The jealous culprit can cause low self worth, negative self talk, anger, lack of
self respect and harmful dynamics in relationships. Siblings and peers are among
the most common experiences with jealous outbreaks.
Family and Home state these dangers from jealousy:
*Aggression towards others
*Low self-esteem
*Feeling of helplessness
An underserved boy was hanging his head low. I asked how he was
doing. He mumbled quietly, “All my friends did better than me on the test.I didn't get
a reward like they did.” He was feeling isolated, low, negative and jealous.
Acknowledging the way he was feeling was the first step in assisting him to come out of
the jealous slump.
“I bet that did not feel very good. It would be hard to not get a reward like the others.”
His eyes opened a tad bit in their sadness. I used the opening to share personally.
“I remember when I was growing up and was jealous of a classmate. She got to help the teacher
pass out candy one day. She got an extra piece because she helped. I raised my hand to help before she did but the teacher picked her.”
He pondered what I shared. I gave him a body outline to show where he felt jealous inside and to color what that looked like in his body. Next, I read to him. “The Jealous Ladybug Loses the Dance Contest” is from my Superkid Saves the Day book I authored, available on Amazon. He listened intently.
“Superkid heard music coming from the meadow. She and Charlotte ran to the meadow. They saw a stage with red ladybugs getting ready to have a dance contest.
Do you like to dance to fun music? Show me with your fingers how fast ladybugs dance.
The ladybugs were busy practicing their special dances. Two sister ladybugs were arguing. Bitsy wanted to win so badly that she wouldn't let Dottie practice on the stage.
Do you think Bitsy was being nice and fair?
Bitsy got upset when others did a good job dancing She was tense and jealous of others. Dottie was ver