Practicing Fine Motor Skills in the Outdoor Classroom.
Lately, we have been focusing on developing fine motor skills in our nature school program. Fine motor skills encompass both small...
“I heard you were a very fun teacher. My son is 7 and very depressed from the pandemic. I don't care if he learns any skills from you. I...
“Outdoor Preschool During COVID: Reflections, Successes and Challenges”
Like every other childcare program in the state of Oregon, our half-time indoors/half-time outdoors nature school temporarily closed in...
How to Teach Preschool Outside During COVID
Oregon’s Early Learning Division and the federal CDC both encourage childcare facilities to spend as much time outside as possible,...
Learning from The Jealous Ladybug
“Kara got to get a new dress and it's the one I wanted. It's not fair.” While competition may bring out strong efforts in sports to do...
Summer Books to Inspire Nature Exploration
I was lucky enough to be a somewhat “free range child” of the late seventies/early eighties. My parents’ house bordered a state protected...