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Our 2022 Virtual Spring Conference will offer 20+ virtual sessions that can be used by caregivers, teachers, trainers, mentors, parents and others who touch the lives of children. This event brings together individuals from all types of early childhood programs and organizations who have an interest and concern for the development of young children and the field of Early Childhood Education and Care.
Register here! Registration for the conference will close April 29th, 2022. Upon registration, you will receive an email with a link to sign up for individual sessions. These emails will be delivered May 2nd and 3rd, 2022.
SOU college course credit is available for attendance at the conference. Contact Sara Stearns ( for more information.
Betty Gray Scholarship
To be eligible for scholarship support, you must be at an Oregon Registry Step 1 - 8.5 and work directly with children at least 20 hours per week in a licensed child care facility. The OCCD Scholarship only covers $75, you are responsible to pay the remaining balance.
*Please note that funds are limited
Conference Fees
Community Rate
Vendors and Colege Credi

Advocacy and Public Policy
Spearheading advocacy and public policy in Oregon is part of ORAEYC’s mission! Early childhood professionals understand the importance of quality early childhood education programs and the lasting impact that a good start in life provides for all young children. Find more information on what is happening in Oregon here.
* For more information view our general information guide
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