The 2019 Stronger Together conference brings the early childhood education community together, promoting advocacy, collaboration, and professional development. Our belief is that drawing on the strengths of our organizations, programs, and individual educators is the best path to a brighter future for our children.
October 11 and 12, Oregon AEYC, CCR&R of Multnomah County, and Threads of Justice Collective are combining our resources and communities to host a weekend event designed for attendees to learn, network, and influence! We are offering engaging and interactive workshops to inform and guide us in our work with children and families in our diverse communities. The conference committee invites you to join us in creating new understandings and taking new perspectives on the work you do and the role you play in your early childhood community.
Our Stronger Together conference offers something for everyone. We invite you to:
Hear from State Early Learning Director Miriam Calderon about the direction of early learning in Oregon
Discuss your role as an advocate for children’s rights and quality care
Meet other teachers and take a deep look at your program practices
Examine how your own culture and beliefs influences your views on child-raising
Develop skill in observing children’s play and developing curriculum
Learn about new initiatives in early childhood around the state
Explore mental health issues facing young children today
Learn trauma-informed practices in working with children and families
Expand your Community of Practice
Conference Fees
Early Bird
(Ends 09/30)
(After 10/01)
NAEYC/ORAEYC Member: 1 Day
NAEYC/ORAEYC Member: 2 Day
Non-Member: 1 Day
Non-Member: 2 Day
Conference + Standard Membership: 1 Day
(For Premium Membership, add $81)
Conference + Standard Membership: 2 Day
(For Premium Membership, add $81)
Quick Links
How to Register:​
Phone and mail registration is now closed. Please come see us at the conference on October 11th and 12th to sign up for courses.
Betty Gray Scholarship
To be eligible for scholarship support, you must be at an Oregon Registry Step 1 - 8.5 and work directly with children at least 20 hours per week in a licensed child care facility. The OCCD Scholarship only covers $80 per day: you are responsible to pay the pay the balance. *Please note that funds are limited
Keynote: Miriam Calderon
Miriam (and additional members of the Early Learning Council) was tasked by Governor Kate Brown in preparing a statewide prenatal to age five early learning plan. The plan: Raise Up Oregon: A Statewide Early Learning System Plan, is now available. This is a road map to ensure all children enter school ready to learn, especially those children who have been historically underserved, including those living in rural areas, communities or color, and low-income communities. This plan responds to what we know from science, economics, and experiences about how to best address root causes and meet the needs of Oregon’s youngest children and their families.
Join us as we hear about Oregon’s successes and the collaborative problem solving efforts across sectors to do better by our youngest children.
College Credit
Join ORAEYC, Multnomah County CCR&R, and over 250 early childhood educators and advocates for an opportunity to share and sell your resources, materials, and goods with the early learning community. Reserve your spot today!
1 Credit hour of graduate or undergraduate college credit is available for an additional fee through Southern Oregon University. Those wishing to receive college credit will sign up and pay for the credit at the registration booth on Friday morning and attend both days of the conference. Contact Sara Stearns for more information.
Thank you to these businesses and partners for their continued support of
Oregon's early learning workforce.