
ORAEYC Fall Conference
Session Descriptions
Friday October 11th
8:30- Check-In
Morning Sessions
Trauma-Informed Practices in Early Childhood: Working with Colleagues, Families and Children
Description: This session introduces trauma-informed strategies for early childhood educators working with children, families, and colleagues. Participants will explore the neurobiological and developmental impact of trauma and how it affects behavior and relationships. The session will provide practical approaches for creating trauma-sensitive environments and maintaining educator well-being while supporting resilience and emotional safety.
Ingrid Anderson, Oregon Master Trainer 3 Hours - Set Two / Understanding & Guiding Behavior
Español 9:00am-12:00pm
8:30 Check-In
9:00- 12:00
Los años de asombro: Fomentar la curiosidad en la primera infancia
The Wondering Years: Nurturing Curiosity in Early Childhood
¿Qué dices cuando los niños preguntan POR QUÉ? Únete a nosotros mientras exploramos técnicas para fomentar la curiosidad en la mente y el cuerpo de los niños pequeños. Examinaremos qué significa la curiosidad y cómo se manifiesta en el aula; practicaremos preguntas abiertas y otros iniciadores de conversación; y también diseñaremos actividades abiertas para los niños pequeños.
Lorena Rodriguez & Jazmin Rivera, Oregon Registry Master Trainers
3 Hours - Set Two / Human Growth & Development
LUNCH 12:00-1:00- Prepaid delivery or On-Your-Own
ALMUERZO 12:00-1:00- Entrega prepagada o por su cuenta
Friday Afternoon 1:00-4:00pm
Bringing the Outside In (1:00-3:00pm)
Instill a love of nature in children. Explore the importance of nature for children and how to incorporate it in the classroom in interactive, fun and developmentally appropriate ways. Examples, ideas, resources and the opportunity to experience activities first-hand. Return with ideas and plans to implement immediately and long term.
Tammy Ulrich, Oregon Registry Master Trainer 2 Hours - Set Two / Learning Environments & Curriculum Ages: 3- 5
Understanding Yourself Through Self Awareness and Self Reflection (3:00-4:00pm)
In this training, participants will examine self-awareness by practicing strategies of self-reflection.
Rachel Elliott, Oregon Registry Master Trainer 1 Hour - Set One / Personal. Professional & Leadership Development
Comunicadores ingeniosos: Lenguaje y vocabulario en bebés y niños pequeños
Clever Communicators: Infant and Toddler Speech and Vocabulary
¡Apoya a los comunicadores ingeniosos en tu mundo de educación temprana! Desde la importancia de las interacciones hasta el desarrollo del lenguaje y el aprendizaje multilingüe, únete a nosotros para explorar el habla y vocabulario de bebés y niños pequeños desde la perspectiva de un patólogo del habla y lenguaje en intervención temprana.
Lorena Rodriguez, Oregon Master Trainer 3 Hours - Set Two / Human Growth & Development & Learning Environments & Curriculum
Everyone who is registered in our fall conference receives a BONUS VIRTUAL SESSION!
Technology 101
We will look at Zoom, Adobe, Google Business Workspace, Microsoft Office 365, and YouTube. Participants will leave this training with a toolbox full of technology tips and tricks.
Danielle Cunningham, Oregon Master Trainer
Set One in Program Management
Monday October 14th 12:30-2:30pm repeated Tuesday October 15th 6:00-8:00pm
**Session presented in English
Saturday October 12th
8:00am- Check-In
Morning Sessions
8:30-12:30 Karen Kitchen & Carrie Brown
"Welcome to Our Circle: Nurturing Community Through American Indian & Alaska Native Children's Literature and Project-Based Learning."
4 Hours - Set 1 in Learning Environments and Curriculum / Diversity
8:30 Check-In
Conversaciones significativas con niños en edad preescolar
Meaningful Conversations with Preschoolers
Los niños de edad preescolar son naturalmente curiosos y llenos de preguntas. Como educadores, nuestro papel es acompañar su aprendizaje mediante conversaciones significativas que desarrollen habilidades, fortalezcan relaciones y fomenten el aprendizaje. En esta capacitación, discutiremos cómo son estas conversaciones, cómo integrarlas en la rutina diaria y por qué son esenciales para los preescolares.
Lorena Rodriguez & Kendall Simmons, Oregon Registry Master Trainers 3 Hours - Set 2 / Understanding and Guiding Behavior
LUNCH 12:30-1:30- Prepaid delivery or On-Your-Own
ALMUERZO 12:00-1:00- Entrega prepagada o por su cuenta
Saturday Afternoon Sessions
Child's Play Using Observation and Assessment Based On Children’s Play
Explore how to observe and assess children’s development while they play. This class will focus on several tools used for observations and assessments and how to use those tools for curriculum implementation for the classroom or home environment. We will also develop a system for sharing the observation assessment outcomes.
Debbie Buta, Oregon Registry Master Trainer 2.5 Hours - Set Two Observation & Assessment / Ages: Infant/Toddler/Preschool/School
STEAM entre las páginas: Conceptos de ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas en libros infantiles
STEAM Between the Pages: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Concepts in Children's Books
¿Buscas formas de incorporar más conceptos STEAM (Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería, Artes y Matemáticas) en tu interacción con niños? Únete a nosotros para crear y practicar actividades STEAM prácticas (¡y a veces desordenadas!) usando libros infantiles. Compartiremos recursos, ideas, listas de libros y mucho más. ¡Te esperamos!
Lorena Rodriguez & Jazmin Rivera, Oregon Registry Master Trainers 3 Hours - Set Two Learning Environments & Curriculum
Everyone who is registered in our fall conference receives a
Technology 101
We will look at Zoom, Adobe, Google Business Workspace, Microsoft Office 365, and YouTube. Participants will leave this training with a toolbox full of technology tips and tricks.
Danielle Cunningham, Oregon Master Trainer
2 Hours - Set One / Program Management
Monday October 14th 12:30-2:30 repeated Tuesday October 15th 6:00-8:00pm
(can attend either/both sessions)
**Session presented in English
Be sure To Visit Jennifer Butler-Brown and Barefoot Books!